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Uniting technology, activism and research to work towards a fairer society.

The people we work with

Community groups

such as campaigns, charities, social enterprises, health and wellbeing initatives, the NHS, and neighbourhood teams.

We research and design technology with community groups to help them communicate their goals and work better together.

Researchers & academics

We work with academics to engage communities in the research process and to produce effective technological solutions.

Digital agencies

We develop genuinely impactful tech interventions by conducting research with community groups.

And everyone inbetween

Our central themes and ideas

As a studio there are a number of themes and causes which are particularly close to our hearts. We strive to only work on projects which we are passionate about, and while we are always open to collaborating in new areas, there are a few themes which we focus on again and again.

  • Anti-Racism

    Projects which constructively engage with the challenges faced by communities at the forefront of the fight against racism.

  • Digital Autonomy

    Projects which give our clients digital autonomy — the ability to take our work and run with it, by utilising open-source solutions and providing training.

  • Environment

    Projects which have positive environmental change at their heart.

  • Hulme and Manchester

    Projects focussed on the communities of Hulme and Manchester, where GFSC first began.

  • Local History

    Projects which help to highlight, display, manage, and where possible expand the histories of different groups of people or locations.

  • Mutual aid

    Projects built with a specific location, setting, and/or community in mind — enabling local communities to thrive, grow, and tackle challenges of inequality and lack of access in all forms.

  • Trans Liberation

    Projects which help realise quality, liberation and life-long flourishing for the trans community.

Who we are

Geeks for Social Change is a research and development studio based in Manchester, UK.

What we do

We use a community-based approach to technology and research that helps organisations and social enterprises achieve their social aims.

Get in touch

Discover how we can help you to help others.

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